Sunday, June 30, 2013

New Website

I'm really excited to announce my new website. is up and running.

New content will be added in the coming days, but here is where you come in. Don't worry, I'll still be blogging right here, every few days. Notice the link that will take you over to the website with one click. After poking around over there, you can click right back over here, when you're ready. 

Setting up an website is intense. It's a lot easier than it used to be, but certainly not something most people do. I have decided to open Gnarled Roots to your creativity. With some moderation, but an open heart, I'll consider all submissions. So do you have a really cool photo, drawing, or a gut jiggling joke. Maybe, like me,  you would like to try your hand at writing.

Come on, stick your toe in this big, warm pond. 

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