Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Another 5 Star Review!

5.0 out of 5 stars What a wonderful journey... December 1, 2013

Amazon Verified Purchase

What a wonderful journey...what a captivating tale. While I have always loved the fantasy world of trolls, fairies and dragons, this story threw me a curve ball with good trolls and bad fairies - nice twist!

Ms. Porter has such an incredible imagination - what a gift!

The author has done an amazing job for her first book. I am a person who enjoys reading to escape my stressful "day" life and this book did the trick. From the beginning I was drawn into Gaven's life and her adventures. All characters have been well developed and I feel I would recognize all of them if I were to meet them on the street (who knows, maybe I will).

Blue on the Horizon offers so much more than the usual good vs evil tale we have come to expect. There is a message here for everyone - young and old. This crazy world we live in would be a much better place if we took lessons from the trolls. Learn to accept people for who they are no matter what the differences - we are all special in our own way. Work together to achieve your goals - much easier than going it alone. Gaven's life, while fantasy, is so current to the lives we all live today.

I don't want to spoil the book for anyone by recapping details - all I can say is read won't be disappointed!!

Can't wait for the next book to see where the author goes from here.

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